Sunday, June 27, 2010

Out Door Cooking

                                  Campfire cook out!!
Today we did a lot of work outside...Howie was working on the barn ( separate post) and working on building me a PROPER turkey tractor.  While he worked outside and I tidied the house, Howie and Briar got a fire going to burn some lumber scraps. 
Being a hot day..I did not want  to cook I had an idea!!
I would cook dinner using the scrap lumber fire!
Here is what I did!
I made  three little foil trays lined with parchment.

Then I laid two slices of celery and some sliced onion.

Then on top of the onions and celery I placed two frozen seasoned burgers I had in the freezer...These need not be frozen..mine just were.

I topped these with slices of red and green pepper..more celery and onion and a clove of garlic.  I then  surrounded it with halved baby new potatoes.

I wrapped the whole thing in two layers of tinfoil and placed in the bottom of my cast irons dutch oven..( with a wire rack in the bottom)
I made three of these and put them all in the dutch oven..I placed the lid on and set it as close to the fire as I could get it with being directly IN the fire.

Every once in a while I would  take the pitch fork and turn the pot so that the other side would be next to the heat.  That is an old oven rack you see the pot sitting you don't have a dutch could do this with just two extra layers of tinfoil.
# hours later..after we have put the tools away and had a swim...

We brought it in the house..and put a foil packet on each plate...

A tasty meal fit for a KING!

Now I had the benefit of having a dutch oven handy..But As I said this can be done with nothing fancier than good old tinfoil!  It's one of those things you should always have in your case of an impromptu Picnic!


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