Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Slap dash Blueberry PIE!!

Don't Throw away Jam that doesn't SET!

A couple of years ago I tried to make blueberry jam from a large box of frozen blueberries...they had been frozen a long time and had to be used up..BUT..the jam didn't set!! What I ended up with was..wild blueberries in a thin syrup!! Not able to make myself throw them away..( all 12 PINTS of them) I set them away in the pantry..and whenever I need a fast pie..I pull one out!
Here is what I do!

One double pie crust ( tonight I had no I mixed up a crust with half salt smells like blueberry shortbread in here!)
1 pint of wild blueberries in syrup ( and a half cup of any frozen berries you may have..I threw in the last of the frozen raspberries this time)
1/4 cup of corn starch

Roll out your pie crust
Then  taking the lid of the blueberries in syrup..drop in a 1/4 cup of corn starch , put the lid back on and shake that jar til your teeth rattle!
Pour it into a pot..add your extra berries and turn on high..stirring slowly but constantly...

Continue to stir until it comes to a will darken and thicken FAST so do NOT stop stirring!

See The difference?
Once it thickens ..take a spatula and scrape it into your pie shell!

Top it with a crust and crimp the edges.

 Pop it in the oven at 350-375 DF for about 40-45 minutes..until the crust is golden.

Picture of a piece with Ice cream to follow as soon as Howard gets home with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks delicious Bev!!!
